Other Fees

Court Reporting Machine Rental -- $75 or $150

Call 256-549-8694 for more information or stop by the Court Reporting Building on the East Broad Campus

Decal Replacement -- $10

Visit the One Stop Center on the East Broad Campus for a replacement parking decal.

Diploma Fee -- $10

The diploma fee will be posted by the Business Office.

International Insurance

Call 256-549-8438 for more information or visit the International Programs Office located in Naylor Hall on the Wallace Drive Campus

Library Fines

Library fines must be paid through the Business Office. For information on fines, call 256-549-8333 to speak to library staff at Meadows Library or 256-835-5436 at the Pierce C. Cain Learning Resource Center on the Ayers Campus.

Meal Tickets -- $900.90

All residents of Fowler Hall must purchase a meal ticket each semester.

Nursing Liability Insurance -- $15

Call 256-549-8257 or visit Pam Mayo in Helderman Hall for more information

Nursing Tests

Call 256-549-8257 or visit Pam Mayo in Helderman Hall for more information

Student Accident Insurance -- $10 per semester or summer term

This fee is due at the time of registration and is not subject to refund.

Student ID Card Replacement -- $5

Visit the One Stop Center on the East Broad Campus for a new student ID.

Placement Retest -- $8

See Testing Services (link) to schedule a testing date and time. The Testing Center is located in the One Stop Center on the East Broad Campus.

Traffic Fines -- $15 to $100

Fines vary by infraction. Fines must be paid in the Business Office.